Communication Skills


Communication Skills - ABA Therapy


Communication and language deficits are typically one of the most pronounced symptoms in children with autism. Therefore this is a common high priority area and one that our ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) therapists target as a critical goal for young learners.

Communication deficits range in severity and look different from child to child. Some are non-vocal, others may echo or repeat words and phrases over and over, still others may have a very rigid way of communicating. ABA therapy reaches the child wherever they are to build on existing strengths and work toward attainable goals. Decades of research and documentation show how successful ABA interventions are at increasing language skills. 

In addition to being a critical skill for early learners, developing language skills has the added benefit of decreasing challenging behaviors. Parents and therapists often find that once a child is better equipped to communicate, challenging behaviors such as tantrums naturally decrease because the child is now able to communicate needs in a more appropriate way. 

A list of skills ABA therapy may seek to improve includes–but is not limited to:
● The naming of objects
● Describing one’s environment
● Requesting a desired item
● Receptive language skills (such as following directions).
● The use of alternate modes of communication as needed (communication devices; sign language)
● The reading of sight words
● Appropriate social communication

Schedule your appointment with us today to take the first steps towards improving your child’s communication skills through ABA therapy.

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