Skills Assessments




The Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Skills Assessment is a widely used tool for determining the best supports for children with autism. This assessment measures skills across domains such as social, language, visual, motor, independent play, early academics, and classroom skills. It is incredibly useful, not necessarily for diagnosing autism spectrum disorders, but rather for establishing a treatment plan that will build on a child’s strengths and set achievable goals for growth in those domains. An ABA assessment is the first step in putting various services in place. What types of therapy may be most beneficial? How many ABA hours will provide sufficient support to the child and parents? These questions and more are answered through an ABA Skills Assessment.

Conducted as an independent evaluation, the Skills Assessment seeks to assess whether a child is progressing within the context of the school district’s current program, including such components as staff to student ratio, instructional practices, and professional development opportunities for staff. If progress is not evident, the child’s team will need to consider and establish modifications to the child’s educational program. The results of the assessment also serve to provide insight into what kinds of modifications may be most successful. 

The ABA may require up to 20 hours of interviewing, observation, and direct testing. Individual ABA Skills Assessments may include: the Assessment of Functional Living Skills (AFLS), the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (ABLLS), and the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program or VB-MAPP. An ABA Skills Assessment may be used in conjunction with a Neuropsychological Assessment to provide the clearest picture of a child’s strengths and abilities. 

While the Applied Behavior Analysis Skills Assessment may sound similar to a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), an FBA is yet another set of assessments, one that specifically evaluates problem behaviors. An FBA examines the purpose of the problem behavior and the factors that may interfere with a child’s progress. For more information on the FBA, click here

Schedule your appointment with Positive Reinforcement today to take the first step towards understanding what combination of assessments—and in turn, what types of therapy, parent training, and other services—will be most beneficial to your child.  

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