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Why Choose Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Therapy?

Postive reinforcement • Apr 13, 2021
Aba Therapy Applied Behavioral Analysis
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Therapy 

Parents of children that have been diagnosed with autism often seem anxious about what this means for their child. As a parent, it does give you a better understanding of your child’s behavior. A diagnosis can lead you to take steps that help your child get on the path towards independence.  
Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapy can benefit your child in many areas, such as learning, socializing, and communicating. Here is how ABA therapy works:

Why Choose Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Therapy?

For children diagnosed with autism, ABA therapy is considered one of the most effective therapies. Both the American Psychological Association and the United States Surgeon General recognizes it as the only treatment that is “evidence-based” and the “best practice” therapy for autism.
ABA therapy is designed to help your child with problematic and maladaptive behavior, which improves common social situations and learning environments. ABA therapy can replace or improve specific types of behaviors by either rewarding or reinforcing positive behaviors. ABA therapy helps change the behaviors that children experience which make it difficult for them to learn self-help skills, social skills, and academic skills.

What Is Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Therapy?

Each child has unique challenges and skills, so no two treatment plans are alike. At Positive Reinforcement PLLC, we customize the ABA therapy plan to your child’s specific needs. This assessment is done by a Board-Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA) at Positive Reinforcement PLLC. This screening reviews and identifies the severity of the symptoms along with treatment options. We design a treatment plan that is customized for your child. Parental involvement is very important in ABA therapy. Your child will need to take the skills he or she learns during our ABA therapy sessions to order to be able to apply them with other people outside the clinic setting. Positive Reinforcement PLLC gives support to each parent to encourage at-home opportunities for your child to practice the skills he or she has learned at the clinic. 
Length of ABA Therapy Treatment

At Positive Reinforcement PLLC, the BCBA evaluates and sets a baseline for us to measure your child’s progress. We adjust therapy strategies when needed for your child to get the most out of their ABA Therapy Sessions. Call us today at 703-576-5700 to set up an appointment.

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